Com.It.Es South Australia

Committee for Italians Abroad

Com.It.Es South Australia

Facilitating and enabling services to meet the needs of Italian Communities Living Abroad

What is Com.It.Es SA?

Com.It.Es. is the Comitato degli Italiani all’Estero, the Committee of Italians Abroad. Com.It.ES is legislated by the Italian parliament and responds to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Italy (MAECI).

Com.It.Es in South Australia (Com.It.Es SA) is the only elected body to represent Italians living in the jurisdiction of South Australia to Italian authorities.

This Information Guide on A.I.R.E, provided by Com.It.Es of South Australia in collaboration with the Consulate of Italy in Adelaide, has been designed to offer an easy consultation tool for the citizen who transfers their residence abroad.

Projects and Events

Festa Della Liberazione

Coinciding with ANZAC Day, Italy marks 25 April as its 'Liberation Day'. It commemorates the end of World War 2, specifically, the day Nazi troops...


Nuovi Arrivati

Are you in Adelaide and new to Australia? Need information to navigate the world of visas and career paths South Australia has to offer?


Progetto Donna

Italian women have played a significant role in the South Australian-Italian community for generations. However, they are often underrepresented...


Event ‘Tutti a Tavola’

The event is organised under the auspices of ‘Speak My Language - Diverse communities living well with a disability’, and is supported by MCCSA. It is run by Com.It.Es SA...


Our Vision

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Com.It.Es SA cares about diversity and inclusion to continue building a vibrant, productive Italo-South Australian community. We encourage excellence in Italian language teaching and learning, offering awards and support to students and teachers.

Com.It.Es SA News

Acknowledgement of Country

Com.It.ES SA rende omaggio ai custodi tradizionali del luogo nel quale il nostro Com.It.Es si trova, il popolo dei Kaurna, e ai loro anziani del passato e del presente. Rispettiamo la profonda conoscenza e la relazione spirituale del popolo Kaurna con le acque e le terre di Adelaide.

Com.It.Es South Australia - Committee for Italians Abroad
